Don't waste today worrying about tomorrow!


Wednesday, March 23, 2016


At Gallery NO: 105 with the African Ponder, now in the Blk-Art, History & Culture Collection!

It's been a while. We've been very, very busy and have had a few challenges.  First and foremost, let's confirm that Gallery NO: 105 was an absolute pleasure! It was tough to give it up after spending the summer doing something that gave me so much joy. It also allowed Blk-Art, History & Culture to add some fabulous art to it's collection. I wasn't quite ready to give it up, so I collaborated with all the artists again, plus a few more, to do Holiday Shop this past December:
It was a lot of work, but so worth it! Yes it's back to real life now. I am back at Pathways working with 7th & 8th graders. They are a handful, but for the most part I enjoy them. Still at the Morning Glory Gallery, enjoying it tremendously and enjoying the perks! Got to see Darlene Love "Love For The Holidays" and take 5 friends with me! The next perk I am really looking forward to is, YoYo Ma! You know it, I am still hitting the gym. Yep, still fighting with those pesty 6 to 7 pounds! I've come to accept that this battle is a part of my life! 2016 we're going to focus on Blk-Art, History & Culture. So far we've done a Black History Month Installation at the Atkinson Street Library where we will be doing the Black Cinema Film Series and another Workshop with guest artist Rhonda Gatlin Hayes, later this year. Another trip to Chicago is in the works to visit the DuSable Museum of African American art & history.

We were hacked so we've had to change our email address. You can now email us at Our laptop died, it just crashed and was not recoverable, so we also had to purchase a new laptop. I am still getting use to it, but we are up and running with new business cards on the way! Just really wanted to touch base after a lengthy absence. It's the start of spring, but the weather is confused! I am sorry to say one of the elderly people I've tried to keep an eye on passed away. Marco was such a wonderful, kind and loving man. I do still keep up with his wife Rada, she is very sad and I try cheering up as much as I can.  In closing I'd like to wish you well and remind you to look out for the elderly and the homeless. Be a blessing to someone out there!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Gallery NO: 105 is Open!!!!

I am so excited to tell you that Gallery NO: 105 has opened it's doors to the public. We opened on Wednesday, June 3rd. We've had several customers stop in and have already sold work by 6 of the 15 artists. I am told the weekends are much better for sales.  I am here today at your service and looking forward to tomorrow, Saturday.
Our preview was a big success. The absolutely delicious red velvet cake was donated from Metcalfe Sentry. The beautiful flower arrangement was donated from Urban Sense Flower Shop and coffee donated from Valentine Coffee Roasters. We had wine and nibbles and music and it was just a beautiful evening. Everything came together. You can click on this link to take a peek at the inside of gallery no 105. A huge thank you to the donors. 
Having my own gallery has been a dream of mine for years. I can hardly believe that I get to wake up every day and live my dream. It is a blessing and I am very grateful. I have to thank all the players who helped me make this dream come true. #1 first and for most is Barb Caprile. Barb is my boss at the Morning Glory Gallery. She's also my friend and has been supportive from the very first time I mentioned Gallery NO: 105 to her. She did all the promo stuff, like signage, promo cards, press release and steering me in the right direction of all the little things that needed to be done. Barb Caprile Rocks. Thanks to all 15 of the artists for having faith in me and trusting me with their work. Sue Heeley from Art & Soul Gallery for allowing me to rent the East side of the building to bring my vision to life. Artist, Ruthie Joy and Artist, Rhonda Gatlin-Hayes for being with me since the 2014 October Gallery Night, working behind the scene's helping me cross all the T's and dot all the I's. Last, but not least, I must give a shout out to the SQUARE!!!!! Having the Square allows the gallery to make credit card sales!!!!
I miss my Pathways student's but am looking forward to teaching my Summer Program, which I can work around gallery hours. Yep, I am still working the Morning Glory Gallery as well. Summers are slower so it works out perfect. I am still hitting the gym, but not loosing any more weight. I am doing a great job of maintaining the weight loss. It's been a bit challenging squeezing in the workouts while trying to get the gallery open. I am; however where I need to be to keep on track to my 1,000 miles and my 100,000 calories. Right now we're at 436.64 miles logged and 39,690 calories burned, plus I hit the gym tonight after I close the gallery. I hate to call it work, because I feel so at home while I'm here. I've got my Ipod, my tea lights, which I light one everyday when I walk in the door, my coffee pot, my laptop, a bathroom and a sink. We are good to go!!!
Blk-Art-History & Culture has been in the shadows, but will partner with the gallery and artist, Rhonda Gatlin-Hayes once again to conduct another art workshop, this time for adults. Enjoy your summer, look out for your elderly neighbors, be kind to the homeless and count your blessings!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Moving Forward

2015 is turning out to be very productive thus far.  Is everything perfect? Not by a long shot, but things are very good! Blk-Art-History & Culture was very busy during Black History Month.  We did our workshop at Central Library with guest artist, Rhonda Gatlin Hayes, we screened Black Power Mixed Tape 1967-1975 at the Washington Park Library, did a King installation and a Black History Month installation at the Wisconsin Lutheran College Library and took my student mentee, Keyana to the Milwaukee Art Museum twice for special events related to the exhibition: Inspiring Beauty 50 years of Ebony Fashion Fair (on view until May 3, 2015). Also checked out the film SELMA, excellent . Congratulations to John Legend and Common for the 2014/2015 Academy winning song "Glory." We also worked with Sam's Hope Literacy and the Milwaukee Bucks once again at the Bradley Center for the 2015 Book Blast, the kids were so well behaved and had so much fun that I had fun!

Taking the semester off was an excellent decision.  I've been working hard preparing for the opening of GALLERY NO: 105. We open our doors June 4th and I am very excited.  Right now I've got 15 artists on board, including works of art in wood, ceramics, fiber, painting, mixed media, sculpture, jewelry, glass, clothing & handbags. I also have a few additional activities lined up to keep the gallery moving.  I am even excited about purchasing bags and tissue paper for the gallery!!!!! I am loving this whole process! We have our business cards printed and in hand and next up we will be working on our promo post card. I will post it as soon as it's ready.

Yes in deed, I've been hitting the gym and loving my workouts! Down 11 pounds and 6 inches.  I've had a terrible sinus infection which prevented me from working out a few times, but I am pleased with the progress and will be sticking to my guns on the matter.  I am challenging myself to log 1000 miles and burn 25,000 calories this year. This challenge has kept me motivated and I only have 4 or 5 pounds to go to reach my goal. It's hard to believe how the weight crept up. I can actually see where the fat has burned off and feel so much more comfortable in my clothes.  As I've always said, "if you fall of the wagon, just get back on" that's all there is to it. I know it's easier said than done, but you can do it!!!

My trip to DC has been cancelled, but for a good cause.  I still plan to spend the day in Chicago checking out the exhibition, Jazz Modernist/Archibald Motely, at the Chicago Cultural Center and then hit Chinatown for lunch and to look for some treasures.  I'm reading a book "The House Girl" which I hope to finish up in the next couple of weeks (it's a slow read) because I am so looking forward to Toni Morrison's new book "God Help The Child" out April 21st.  I'll read on the train. We are in the process of planning another workshop for Blk-Art-History & Culture and will keep you posted.

In the mean time, I am off today and the weather is beautiful!!!!! Spring is fast approaching and I am certainly happy about that!  So enjoy your blessings and be a blessing to someone, look out for the elderly and homeless!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!!!!

                                                             Happy New Year People. 

Right of the bat I'd like share one of my favorite moments of the holiday season!!!! On December 1st I went to see "BIG BAND HOLIDAY" freaturing Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra with Special Guest Cecile McLorin Salvant.  It was a wonderful performance and I am totally in love with the voice of Cecile McLorin Salvant.  Please look her up at and listen to her.  After the performance I got to go backstage and take a picture with Wynton Marsalis! He was gracious and had a great sense of humor.
I made it through another semester of school and earned a "B" in drawing class.  Who knew??  I really enjoyed it and loved my Theology class.  I learned so much and am so greatful. Yes, I've been hitting the gym and have not let the holidays or the cold stop me. I see the fat buring off and I love it!! Things are going well at the Gallery and with the Pathways After School program. I did enjoy my break though. Enjoyed having friends stop over during the holidays.  We baked chocolate chips cookies and drank Mascoto.  I also went to see the "Nut Cracker" which I haven't seen in ages, Cute.
As we know 2014 was a good year for Blk-Art*History & Culture, with the film series, the open house, news letter/brochure, speaking engagements, working with Sams Hopes Literacy & The Milwaukee Bucks, October Gallery Night/Day and the summer workshop. We also shared lots of wonderful resourceful information on the Blk-Art*History & Culture Page. 
I enjoyed my trip to The Art Institute Of Chicago with my good friend Cindy who came to share my birthday with me and a few other friends. I totally love the Japanese Art Book Cindy gave me as a bithday gift, love, love, love it! Enjoyed hearing my boy Barack Obama at Labor Fest and of course seeing the Broadway Production of the LION KING was certainly a favorite highlight.  We had some great films in 2014, but my absolute favorite was "BELLE"
As we move into 2015 we have a lot to look forward too. Can't wait to see the new movie out January 9th "SEMA." Continuing our partnership with the Milwaukee Public Library System with the Black Cinema Series, screening BLACK POWER MIXED TAPE 1967-1975 at the Washington Park Library on February 17th at 530 pm.  We have a Youth Collage Workshop at Central Library February 14th at 2:00 with Guest Artist, Rhonda Gatlin Hayes.  Blk-Art*History & Culture also has plans to visit the Milwaukee Art Museum to view the exhibition "Inspiring Beauty: 50 Years Of Ebony Fashion Fair" opening Febraury 5th on view through May 3, 2015.  We also have plans for another trip to Chicago. this time to the Chicago Cultural Center to view the Exhibiton "Jazz Aged Modernist: Archibald Motley" opening March 7 on view until late August 2015. 
And last but not least, very excited to be moving forward with Gallery NO:105. We have the space and we have the artists!!!!  I will be posting updates as we move closer to these events.  In the mean time, "Happy New Year" stay warm and please be kind to one another.  Look out for the elderly and the homeless and be a blessing to someone!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Gallery Night 2014

Hi people.  It's been a while, but Blk-Art*History & Culture continues to move forward.  Check out the video from October Gallery Night, 2014.  We hosted artists Rhonda Gatlin Hayes (mixed media) and Ruthie Joy, October 17 & 18.  We had a steady flow of guests the entire time. We even sold some art!!!!  Blk-Art also did a talk for an Art Class at Wisconsin Lutheran College, highlighting "An Artful Life."  We worked with Sam's Hope Literacy and the Milwaukee Bucks once again, hosting nearly 500 kids at Discovery World on the Lake Front.  The kids were so excited.  Nearly the entire Bucks team was present, but once "Bango" (the mascot) showed up, the kids lost their mind!!!!  It was awesome.   Then Blk-Art went to check out the film "Dear White People" which I highly recommend seeing for it's insightfulness and boldness.  you can go to to view clips and get show times.  But I think the opportunity to see the Broadway Production of The Lion King was my favorite highlight of the last two months and that's not to under score the opportunity for Blk-Art* History & Culture to see the Powerhouse Production of The Color Purple which was totally fantastic, but I've always want to see The Lion King!!!! I'd seen The Color Purple before. 
Up next for Blk-Art*History & Culture is a quiet holiday season and then our partnership with the Milwaukee Public Library System gets underway for Black History Month 2015 with the Black Cinema Screening of Black Power Mixed-Tape 1967-1975  at the Washington Park Library location, and hosting a "Black History Documentation Collage" workshop with guest artist, Rhonda Gatlin Hayes, at the Central Library location.
As for me personally,  I'm enjoying the new television series "Black-ish,"  with a wonderful cast and very funny story lines.  I love teaching my Pathways after school program.  The students are great and keep me on my toes.  I continue to hit the gym at least 3 times a week no matter what!  I am fighting with these last 5/6 stubborn pounds, but I plan to win the fight!!!!!!  I am really enjoying my drawing class and holding on to a solid "B" which amazes me.  I am learning so much in my Theology class about keeping the faith, I love it.  I have to write a paper on an artist drawing and I've chosen Aaron Douglas' 1936 painting "Into Bondage." No matter what I do, I am always trying to incorporate Blk-Art into the mix!
So there you have it folks.  Life is good.  Enjoy your blessings and be a blessing!  Enjoy the holiday season.  It's getting colder everyday and snow flurries are on the scene, please be kind to the homeless and check on the elderly!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Summer of 2014

The Summer of 2014 has been a wonderfully pleasant summer!  Photo #1 is the Beautiful Garden I helped look after.  I watered and cut the grass and even had an opportunity to lay in the sun for a bit and read my summer book, The Blossoming Universe of Violet Diamond, a young adult book (by Brenda Woods) about an 11 year old biracial girl whose African American father dies and is raised by her white side of the family.  She begins to ask questions and is finally introduced to her black side of the family and the pieces of her life start to come together. Excellent book.  Photo #2 is of myself and Artist Muneer at his his studio.  I took my class on a field trip to his studio and I will post a few photos of that next time.  Muneer gave a wonderful talk and the students enjoyed it.  Photo #3 is myself in front of the Art Institute Of Chicago (8/23).  My good friend from DC was here for my birthday weekend and we took the train to Chicago to check out the African Art Collection at the Art Institute and then headed to China Town where we found some fabulous treasures!!!! And had a delicious meal.
I had friends over for a little birthday celebration which turned out to be a Japanese theme dispite the Chocolate Raspberry cake.  I recieved a wonderful book of Japanese art (over 500 pages. I absolutely love it), a beautiful Japanese print (that I can't wait to frame), a beautiful book on Sushi and a set of 5 pairs of chop sticks with Gesiha on them.  I love it. I also received a Kimono style robe.  I already tried to wear it, but I got to hot!  Hot Flashes, but I am sure it will be perfect in the fall and winter! No I am not rushing the seasons. 
I also spent time with some other friends checking out the Kandinsky exhibit at the Milwaukee Art Museum.  I worked the Morning Glory Art Festival, but did not get the opportunity to check out any other festivals this summer.  I spent most of my summer enjoying summer as I worked on details for the opening of "Gallery NO: 105" it is coming along.
I also have been planning for Blk-Art*History & Culture to host the 2014 October Gallery Night freaturing Artist Rhonda Gatlin Hayes and Artist Ruthie Joy. We are also working really hard to get the rights to this film I want to show for 2015 Black History Month at the Washington Park Library.  I started back to school on Monday (8/25).  A drawing class and another Theology class.  I start back teaching in October so I plan to finish up as much as I can regarding "Gallery NO: 105," opening in June of 2015!!!  I've also been catching up on some films I've been wanting to see and a few favorites are "Twenty Steps From Stardom" absolutely Fabulous, "Mother Of George" which was really good, but the lighting threw me off  and "Frankie & Alice" starring Halle Berry who fought to get this film made, excellent film.  I took one of my favorite students to see the film "Get On Up" about James Brown.  Very, very good. So pleased to be able spend some one one time with one of my students. I am looking forward to purchasing a copy of my absolute favorite film this year "Belle" which came out on DVD 8/26.
Yes, I've been consistently hitting the gym at least 3 times per week and have been able to keep the menopausal weight gain in check.  It is a struggle people, a fight I intend to keep fighting!!!! 
Enjoy the rest of your summer, enjoy your blessings and be a blessing to someone else.  Be kind to the homeless and eldery!!!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy Summer Time

Happy Summer time!  June has been a very productive month for Blk-Art-History & Culture.  The June 6th "Open House" was a beautiful night.  I wasn't expecting anyone to arrive with gifts, but they did and I love it.  My co-host for the Black Cinema Series brought me some of the most beautiful fabric I've ever seen.  I use many different African print fabrics as a back drop for many of my presentations.  I used this fabric during my June 24th presentation for ArtWorks For Milwaukee.  I did a 90 minute presentation on the "Importance of Art" and how it documents history.

Blk-Art-History & Culture received a donation to help cover the printing cost of our 2014 News Letter and we just received confirmation for the 3 week Summer Academy with Pathways to College. We will also be receiving another "African American Pioneers" book donation from Sams Hope Literacy and the Washington Park Library wants to continue its Partnership with Blk-Art-History & Culture to take the Black Cinema Series into 2015. We are moving forward! We are growing! I love it.  I am busy, but busy doing what I love!
The other project I've been working on "Gallery NO.105" is coming along as well.  I will give up more details as they become available, but I am pretty certain we have found a space and have a number of artists on board.
As far as personal developments, I am hitting the gym with consistency and it is paying off!!!!  I love having my gym membership and access to the right equipment.  I must be more disciplined with my eating, bottom line. I am trying to decide what my summer reading is going to be.  I've been asked by a wonderful couple (from my old neighborhood) to look after their "absolutely Beautiful Garden" while they're away on vacation. It's the perfect spot to chill and read a good book.  I've already been over to water and it took me 45 minutes to water the whole yard.  It's beautiful and I'll post a photo next time.  The other thing I am looking forward to is the visit from my wonderful and dear friend Cindy who is coming for my birthday in August. We are going to spend a day in Chicago.  Yep, the same friend who spoiled me rotten on my visit to DC.
Before I close I'd like to recommend a very good movie.  "Belle" go to to check out a trailer.  I loved this film.  It was a wonderful history lesson. And finally I encourage you to check out an article in the Sunday, June 15th 2014 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Sugar sculpture raises disturbing issues at refinery" go and type in Kara Walker's sculpture.
African World Festival has been cancelled for 2014 which is to bad, but there is much else to do.  Enjoy your summer, enjoy your blessings and be a blessing to someone else!!!!!  "Happy Summer Time."
P.S.  In acknowledgment of the passing of Ruby Dee-May she Rest In Peace.