Don't waste today worrying about tomorrow!


Wednesday, March 23, 2016


At Gallery NO: 105 with the African Ponder, now in the Blk-Art, History & Culture Collection!

It's been a while. We've been very, very busy and have had a few challenges.  First and foremost, let's confirm that Gallery NO: 105 was an absolute pleasure! It was tough to give it up after spending the summer doing something that gave me so much joy. It also allowed Blk-Art, History & Culture to add some fabulous art to it's collection. I wasn't quite ready to give it up, so I collaborated with all the artists again, plus a few more, to do Holiday Shop this past December:
It was a lot of work, but so worth it! Yes it's back to real life now. I am back at Pathways working with 7th & 8th graders. They are a handful, but for the most part I enjoy them. Still at the Morning Glory Gallery, enjoying it tremendously and enjoying the perks! Got to see Darlene Love "Love For The Holidays" and take 5 friends with me! The next perk I am really looking forward to is, YoYo Ma! You know it, I am still hitting the gym. Yep, still fighting with those pesty 6 to 7 pounds! I've come to accept that this battle is a part of my life! 2016 we're going to focus on Blk-Art, History & Culture. So far we've done a Black History Month Installation at the Atkinson Street Library where we will be doing the Black Cinema Film Series and another Workshop with guest artist Rhonda Gatlin Hayes, later this year. Another trip to Chicago is in the works to visit the DuSable Museum of African American art & history.

We were hacked so we've had to change our email address. You can now email us at Our laptop died, it just crashed and was not recoverable, so we also had to purchase a new laptop. I am still getting use to it, but we are up and running with new business cards on the way! Just really wanted to touch base after a lengthy absence. It's the start of spring, but the weather is confused! I am sorry to say one of the elderly people I've tried to keep an eye on passed away. Marco was such a wonderful, kind and loving man. I do still keep up with his wife Rada, she is very sad and I try cheering up as much as I can.  In closing I'd like to wish you well and remind you to look out for the elderly and the homeless. Be a blessing to someone out there!

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